Your sexual health and wellness can significantly impact your quality of life, and for many, it’s just as important as physical and mental health. People often would like a more vigorous sex life but abstain from intimacy due to embarrassment, painful intercourse, a low sex drive, erectile dysfunction or other reasons. This can have a negative impact on your overall happiness and confidence.
At Broward ENT & Aesthetics, we offer the following sexual wellness treatments to improve your overall health and wellness.
Labiaplasty is a vaginal rejuvenation procedure that restores smaller, more even labia.
The inner labia (labia minora) of the vulva, commonly referred to as the vaginal lips, come in all shapes and sizes. While there is no ideal labia appearance, some women are bothered by their enlarged or uneven labia after childbirth or due to genetics. Labiaplasty addresses the issue of overly large labia that can be apparent through tight clothing and bathing suits or that become irritated during intercourse or exercise.
Fat transfer to the penis or vulva is designed to increase the size of the male or female genitals. Liposuction is first used to remove unwanted fat from one area of the body. Then, the purified fat is transferred to the penis or labia majora (outer vaginal lips) of the vulva.
For men, this fat transfer phalloplasty procedure can enhance the girth of their penis. For women, fat transfer can restore fuller, more youthful labia majora.
Click here to read more about fat transfer to the penis or vulva
Also known as the Orgasm Shot, the O-Shot involves platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injected into the vaginal tissues to rejuvenate and enhance the area. This treatment can improve libido, stimulation and pleasure for female patients while also addressing vaginal dryness and urinary incontinence.
Also known as the Priapus Shot, the P-Shot involves platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injected into the head and shaft of the penis. This treatment increases blood flow to the penis for more robust and longer-lasting erections. The P-Shot is an effective alternative to oral erectile dysfunction medications like Viagra and Cialis, but it is also beneficial for men without ED who want to enhance their sexual performance.
Hormone replacement therapy can restore balanced hormone levels in the body for men and women. Hormonal imbalances can cause a wide range of issues, from weight gain and insomnia to reduced libido, hot flashes and more. With this therapy, a small pellet about the size of a grain of rice is inserted beneath the skin to release bio-identical hormones to your body consistently.
To learn more about our services for improving your sexual wellness, contact Broward ENT & Aesthetics at 954-368-3348. We are always happy to answer any questions you might have and help you on your way to improving your sexual wellness and quality of life.