Injectable dermal fillers are excellent options for treating fine lines, wrinkles and areas of volume loss. They can fill nasolabial folds, enhance your lips, create youthful cheeks and much more. The risk of complications from dermal fillers is very low, and most patients are extremely satisfied with their results.

Unfortunately, some patients do not look how they expected after filler treatment and are unhappy with their new facial contours. In other cases, inexperienced injectors may put too much filler in an area or use a poor injection technique, resulting in an “overfilled” or uneven look.

If you have overfilled, overcorrected or misplaced dermal filler, your body will naturally absorb the filler over time. However, it may take several months to a year to reverse your results. If you’d like to undo the results of your filler treatment sooner, hyaluronidase may be an option.

Hyaluronidase for Dissolving Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Fillers

At Broward ENT & Aesthetics in Fort Lauderdale, we offer hyaluronidase injections for patients whose faces have been “overfilled” or who are unhappy with their results after a hyaluronic acid dermal filler treatment.

This corrective treatment is only for hyaluronic acid fillers. Some of the most common HA fillers include Restylane®, Juvéderm® and Belotero Balance®.

What Is Hyaluronidase?

Hyaluronidases (Hyals) are a class of naturally occurring protein enzymes in the body. When used in aesthetics, hyaluronidase helps your body break down and reabsorb dermal filler products made from hyaluronic acid. The type of hyaluronidase used for reversing the results of HA fillers is a genetically designed protein, and it is injected beneath the skin into the same area targeted during your dermal filler treatment.

How Does Hyaluronidase Work?

This enzyme degrades the hyaluronic acid from the fillers in your skin by breaking the glycosidic bonds that hold the hyaluronic acid molecules together. Once the HA is broken down, the body naturally absorbs the molecules. Hyaluronidase also makes the fluids and connective tissues in the treated area thinner so the hyaluronic acid can more easily be removed from the tissues.

How Long After Filler Treatment Can You Use Hyaluronidase?

We recommend waiting at least two weeks after your hyaluronic acid filler treatment to get hyaluronidase injections. This timeframe will allow the filler to settle within your tissues and any swelling or other side effects to resolve.

How Many Hyaluronidase Injections Will I Need?

The amount of hyaluronidase and number of injections needed to correct your filler results will depend on how concentrated the HA filler formula is, how much you had injected initially and how long it’s been since your treatment.

At your consultation, we can evaluate you and determine how many injections you will need.

Interested in Hyaluronidase Injections in Fort Lauderdale?

If you’re not satisfied with the results of a previous filler treatment, Wilson DuMornay, MD, FACS, and his experienced staff are skilled in hyaluronidase injections for dissolving unwanted facial filler.

To learn more about hyaluronidase and find out if you can benefit from it, Contact Broward ENT & Aesthetics at 954-368-3348.